The rent to own process is actually pretty simple.
- Join our property list and tell us what Zip code you are most interested in. START with the form below:
Get your rent to own home in less than 30 days. - We’ll send you local rent to own / lease option homes that fit your zip criteria.
- If you like a home and want to apply, we’ll give you an application to fill out. Don’t worry – we help people with all kinds of credit and financial situations, and if you can afford the property, we can probably help you to own it.
- We will review your credit and income information. If your income qualifies, and you have a good down payment..even if your scores are low, we may be able to approve you for a lease/option if we feel good about getting your credit scores up in a year or so. We’ll agree on a monthly rent amount and the future purchase terms. Then just sign the documents and move on in!
- Move in and pay your rent payments on-time… just remember, this is not a rental. If we allow you to move in, our intention is for you to own this home at the end of the lease term.The down payment you give will go towards your purchase price when you go to closing..the rent is strictly rent. It is not applied to purchase price.
How Long Are Rent To Own / Lease Option Terms?
Your lease/option agreement (also known as the rent to own contract) will spell out the length of time that you have to complete the purchase of the property – typically 1-2 years, but in certain circumstances we may extend your option if you need more time to get your credit up to the point where you can qualify for a bank loan.
The purchase of your home usually takes place through a traditional mortgage loan, but there are other ways to complete the purchase, depending on your finances.
That’s the process!
Once you’ve completed your mortgage, you’re done – now you own your home!
First step – sign up to find great properties in South Florida just by filling out the form on the upper right of this page.